Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Own a VFlash or Projet with an easy monthly payment


Leasing is recognised as one of the most cost effective and tax efficient ways to finance capital expenditure and acquire new assets. 80%+ of the Times Top 1000 companies use leasing to finance new assets.

OGP work in association with Jelf Commercial Finance, part of Jelf Group PLC; an independent financial consultancy who researches the whole of the market to identify the product and lender that’s right for your business. JCF use their buying power and lender relationships to negotiate rates and product suitability.

Some of the benefits of leasing are as follows:

 Good for budget – spreading the cost creates instant cash-flow benefits and helps demonstrate Return on Investment from day one.

 Additional source of credit – facilities arranged through Jelf will not affect your existing facilities.

 Flexibility – leasing gives you the option to add on or upgrade your systems, sometimes with no change to your monthly payments.

 Free up working capital – leasing frees up your cash to put to use elsewhere in the business, such as buying stock which will generate additional revenue and profit.

 Tax efficient – lease payments are 100% tax allowable.

Contact 02921 250260

1 comment:

  1. Leasing can be a good way to go about acquiring new assets for your company just make sure you get a good service plan to keep the machines running smooth.

    Joshua Leach
    3d manufacturing
